Thursday, December 25, 2008

Goodbye For Now tabs by P.O.D

Goodbye For Now tabsP.O.D,

note: there's a lot more texture in the song than I've tabbed
these are just the main parts

e ---------------------------------------
B ---------------------------------------
G ---------------------------------------
D ---7--7----10--10-----*7--7------7--7--
A --5--5--5/8---8---8/-*5--5--5/-5--5--5-
D -0--0--0-0---0---0--*8--8--8--5--5--5--

*this is a hard shape to pull off for most.
I suggest using your pointer and third for the 5 and 7 and pinky for the 8

otherwise you can play this form instead
G ---2--2--------------------------------
D --0--0--0------------------------------
A -1--1--1-------------------------------
D ---------------------------------------
but the tone is off

other notes on the verse:
- The second verse not only has that riff, but another guitar
which is playing staccato quarter notes on the chords used in the main riff
- I think the main riff sometimes gets varied at the end like this to match
the lead riff

D ------7--7-7h8-7p5-7--
A ----5--5--------------
D ---5--5---------------

Lead riff: (you'll hear it throughout the song)
e ---------------------------------------
B ---------------------------------------
G -14h15-14p12-14------------------------
D ---------------------------------------
A ---------------------------------------
D ---------------------------------------

Pre-Chorus: (verse riff continues)
e ---------------------------------------
B ---------------------------------------
G --5-5-5h7------------------------------
D ---------------------------------------
A ---------------------------------------
D ---------------------------------------
note: there's some kind of muted strumming here,
play around and funk it out is all I can say

Guitar 1:
e ---------------------------------------
B ---------------------------------------
G ---------------------------------------
D -0--5--10-5----------------------------
A -0--3--8--5----------------------------
D -0--3--8--5----------------------------
Guitar 2:
e ---------------------------------------
B ---------------------------------------
G -7--10-10-7----------------------------
D -x--x--x--x----------------------------
A -5--8--8--5----------------------------
D ---------------------------------------
Acoustic Guitar (capo 5; chords relative to capo)
e -0--0--0--0----------------------------
B -1--3--1--3----------------------------
G -2--0--2--2----------------------------
D -2--2--3--0----------------------------
A -0--3--x--x----------------------------
D ---------------------------------------

e ---------------------------------------
B ---------------------------------------
G ---------------------------------------
D -0--3--0--10--0--3--0--3---------------
A -0--1--0--10--0--1--0--1---------------
D -0--1--0--10--0--1--0--1---------------

besides the main riff there's a guitar picking something like this
e -5------5-----5------------5~----------
B --6-5h6--6-5h6-6-5h6-6-5---6~----------
G ---7---7--7-----7---7-7-7--7~----------
D ---------------------------------------
A ---------------------------------------
D ---------------------------------------

there you go, enjoy.

choly <><

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